Experimental methods
HP-cell for experiment with carbide anvils (Ol, Wd & Rw)
Profile analysis
Equations of state
Draw the base using the Birch-Murnaghan EoS at 300 K
HT data are fitted to Mie-Grüneisen-Debye EoS.
P-dependence of thermal expansivity
(α/α0) = (V/V0)δT
α: thermal expansivity at high pressure
α0: thermal expansivity at ambient pressure
V: volume at high pressure
V0: volume at ambient pressure
δT: Anderson-Grueneisen parameter
logarithmic V dependence of α
Results: olivine
Results: wadsleyite
Results: ringwoodite
Results: Bridgimanite
EOS parameters
α = a0 + (T-300)a1