Multi-anvil Beamline Project at PETRA-III Extension
Combination of MA and synchrotron X-rays
Precise determination of phase relations by energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction with white X-rays
Falling-sphere viscosity measurement by X-ray radiography
Deformation experiment in combination of X-ray radiography and X-ray stress measurement by 2D-detector with monochromatic X-rays or by multiple SSD
detectors with white X-rays
3D textural analysis by X-ray radiography with mono. X-rays
German synchrotron radiation (DESY) offers a damping wiggler beam line for MA experiments
Damping wiggler of PETRA-III provides the most brilliant white X-rays in the world
Construction of MA experimental station with a 6-axis MA apparatus
Reliable phase relations to 1000-km depth
Rheological properties of minerals under deep-mantle conditions
Future Plan - Monochromatic X-rays